
Responsible Procurement

In CaixaBank we are working, to positively contribute, to the development of the society. We are sustained by a model of banking socially responsible, generating a profit with an important social compromise and a corporate culture based on persons.

Quality, Confidence and the Social Compromise are the essence of the entity.

Integrity and transparency are essential pillars of the CaxiaBank Group. Specifically, in the case of the suppliers, CaixaBank has established principles of action brought together in the Supplier Conduct Code in accordance with the principles of the Group and which, furthermore, must be accepted by all of the suppliers.

The objective of the Registry and Homologation process is that the suppliers provide information relative to Sustainability, Equality, Social Responsibility, Labor Relations, and Supplier Integrity in order to ensure that suppliers comply with the minimum standards required in these aspects by CaixaBank.

Likewise, and based on our purchasing principles, CaixaBank has a global purchasing model, both in the homologation process of suppliers and in the specifications and contracts, responsible criteria and clauses which comply with our principles.

Find out more about the sustainability in CaixaBank clicking here.